Exclusive privileges, undiscovered gems, superior experiences - these and more are curated by our seasoned Concierge Desk to meet the exacting expectations of affluent customers. We offer single-point-of contact support to fulfill multiple requests in a manner that is most suitable to the customer and yet saves both time and effort. Our Concierge is available 24x7, across locations and in multiple languages.
What sets the Loylty Concierge Desk apart is our ability to be available no matter what, when or where. Our aim is not just to have a vast repository of services available for the affluent customer but to offer those services seamlessly. The team ensures operational excellence so that every customer’s journey from dial to done is carried out with minimum intervention and maximum attention to detail.
You choose the offerings, we’ll manage everything else from the website to vendor management.
Give your Concierge Desk a web presence that is customized to reflect your brand’s personality and values either through an interactive portal or a view-only webpage.
Allow customers to browse services and share requests through an in-depth form that will be instantly received by the Concierge Desk. The team will then address the request as per the customer’s convenience.
Simplify the experience with an easy-to-browse webpage that customers can view anytime. All requests will be handled via the Concierge Desk on call or email.
Let us know and we’ll be happy to add them just for you.
Talk to us about setting up a program >