When engagement involves multiple touchpoints, expecting customers to go through a login journey at every touchpoint is setting them up for a poor experience. Incorporating Single Sign-On (SSO) across your applications and websites ensures customers not only have a seamless experience but also a consistent one.
Loylty's SSO is an authentication solution built on a REST architecture that caters to authentication requests from your web and mobile applications. It allows your customers to log in to all your applications and websites with a single user-authentication without repeated logins.
Supports as many domains as you need.
Enables direct sign-in on the web through Password Grant.
Enables users to authorize third parties through Authorization Code Grant.
Allows machine sign-ins through Client Credentials Grant.
Enables third party web app sign-in through Implicit Grant.
Effectively authenticates requests with a web services API on resources server.
Supports distributed architecture when your authentication server is not necessarily on the same domain or at the same server as your resource servers.
No technology lock-in for authentication server, resource servers and client-side apps.
Supports a seamless user authorization experience across different client-side technology (Web, Mobile or IoT), and across different first-party and third-party applications.